Are you in charge of a new building project? Or are you perhaps in charge of maintaining a facility, such as a college campus or a business park? If any of these descriptions fit you, then you probably know all about checklists. Maintaining almost any facility requires some sort of checklist, whether it be general cleaning or small repairs around the property. There is a type of checklist, however, that is vitally important to the success of your facility, though it is sometimes overlooked. This type of checklist is a preventative maintenance checklist.
Preventative maintenance checklists are aimed at making sure that larger failures down the road do not occur in your facility, whether that be with your machines or with the buildings themselves. They do this by making periodic replacements in equipment that help ensure that the facility will keep running and that no old parts will be responsible for any damage or system failure. So, how do you know if a preventative maintenance checklist is a good idea for your facility?
When You Need A Preventative Maintenance Checklist
Machines Running Constantly: If you have machines that run continuously on your property, there is a good chance that you will need a checklist for them. Because of their constant running, different parts in these machines can be overused and eventually break or fail. By putting in a preventative checklist, you can help ensure that these types of machines can run for a much longer time than they would have otherwise. What types of machines could be included in this list? Think AC units, furnaces, or any other type of machines or system in your facility that is run fairly often and for a long period of time.
Buildings: Buildings can almost always use preventative maintenance. This is partly because they face the elements everyday, so damage will almost certainly occur at some point. This is especially true if your facility gets exposed to extreme weather. Buildings often need preventative maintenance on the interior as well. This can be as simple as changing the lights every so often, or replacing the batteries of fire alarms at regular intervals.
In reality, practically every facility can benefit from a preventative maintenance checklist. Damage from overuse or constant exposure to the elements can happen to almost every type of building or machine. If you are in the Silicon Valley area and need help with repairing or replacing items on your checklist, don’t hesitate to contact O.C. McDonald, the most reputable construction company in Silicon Valley. Get in touch by calling (408) 295-2182, and get started on your checklist today!