LEED for Business Growth
LEED certified partners are trained to consider building projects holistically, not just energy efficiency. LEED certification considers the location of a project, materials, resource usage, and the human experience of the end result in scoring projects. The scoring system is flexible to fit all industries and sizes of projects. Companies using LEED certification in their growth and development will experience long-lasting environmental, financial, and personnel benefits.
Increase Profits
A 2013 survey by Gibbs & Soell found that 3 out of 4 consumers are more likely to buy from a company if they know the company is actively making eco-friendly choices. Companies who publicize their social responsibility practices gain traction in the market. Green-seeking consumers are also looking for proof of corporate best practices, not just a publicity campaign. The U.S. Green Building Council provides a searchable record of LEED project scorecards, making it easy for consumers to find which companies are leading the way.
LEED certified buildings report an approximately 20% reduction in maintenance costs and 10% or more reduction in utility and operating costs. Lowered costs will directly increase companies’ profit margins for the lifetime of their facility but are only the first step. Many companies may also qualify for federal and state tax credits and tax incentives, further reducing expenses.
Practical Improvements for Employees
California’s recent drought demonstrates the importance of addressing the enviormental impact of companies in Silicon Valley. LEED standards tackle water- and energy- saving choices while keeping in mind the effects on human comfort. LEED certified partners also consider the health impacts of materials used and the transportation impacts for employees. This holistic view of energy and environmental design helps to increase employee satisfaction, reduce missed work, and lessen employee turnover.
LEED for All Projects
LEED AP credentialed partners can specialize in one of five sysetems: Building Design and Construction, Operations and Mainenance, Interior Design and Construction, Neighboorhood Development, or Homes. Credentialed partners are also required to engage continuing education, ensuring that they stay up-to-date if a project takes two months or two years.
Once a project is completed, the LEED certification process has various methods for certifiying companies with one building or multiple locations, reducing the time and workload required to become fully LEED certified. No matter the industry, the phase of the development process, or the size of the project, a LEED certified partner can bring a multitude of benefits to your company.