What is Green HVAC?

A green HVAC system helps commercial, industrial, educational institutions, tech giants, government facilities, large corporations, small and medium-sized businesses, and residential customers to conserve important natural resources using the most efficient and environmentally-friendly technologies, which results in lower utility bills for their air conditioning, heating, and plumbing. While usually incurring some expenses initially, the improvement in the energy efficiency makes them more and more economical as time goes on.

Air conditioning uses close to 50 percent of the energy use in the United States during the summer months, and that is responsible for almost 100 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually.

Solar power can usually generate all the energy needed, and tax credits are generally available to aid with the purchase and installation of qualified HVAC products. The panels even provide energy on cloudy days, some move automatically to catch the sun when more is needed, you can possibly add a solar pool heating system or a water heater, and roof tiles and shingles come in a variety of styles and colors that will blend in with your existing roof.

Geothermal HVAC systems use the constant temperatures deep underwater and below the ground to heat and cool the premises. Underwater and underground looped pipes contain water or refrigerant and transfer heat. Since heat is being moved and not being produced, less energy is used compared to standard systems. This system does not produce pollution, the pipes are long-lasting, and some can even work as water heaters. Geothermal systems like these are as much as four times more efficient than traditional HVAC systems.

Dual-fuel heat pumps are the answer when regular heat pumps prove inefficient because the weather is too cold. These contain a warm weather pump and a cold weather furnace, which can be switched over automatically or manually to the best fuel source.

Take advantage of the Home Energy Yardstick by Energy Stars to compare your household’ or business energy use to others throughout the country and get recommendations for improvement.

Continually improved products will come to market as funding provides financial support and exciting development and research produces ever-increasing energy-efficient HVAC technologies.

To answer any of your questions and to give you more helpful details on installing, maintaining, and repairing green HVAC system technologies, please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to discuss your particular project and explain how excellent service from our certified and professionally trained technicians will be of great benefit to you. Call us at (408) 295-2182

Hiring a mechanical engineer for building retrofits, rebuilds, additions, or enhancements is the quickest and surest way to obtain the ideal facilities for supporting your operations. Are you ready to make your workplace more modern, efficient, or compliant? If so, we can help.

Call us today at 408-295-2182.


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