Air duct provides a fundamental function in most homes. It is part of the HVAC system that provides conditioned air inside the house allowing a consistent comfort no matter the season. In fact, air moves through the ducts to allow sufficient circulation of air in each room. It is the same air that everyone in the house breaths and if not controlled can cause respiratory issues and other health problems. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the air supply inside the house is as clean as possible. However, most people do not consider the important role air duct plays in the circulation of air. Dirty air duct can considerably compromise the quality of air inside the living space. Air ducts cleaning is, therefore, a paramount task that every family should consider.
Air duct cleaning refers to the removal of contamination in the duct system. The duct system includes the supply and returns air ducts, registers, and diffusers. Experts agree that cleaning the ducts has direct and significant health benefits. Cleaning the accessible parts, for example, the return and supply duct does not solve the problem entirely. It is therefore recommended to hire professionals that are approved by the National Air Ducts Cleaners Association (NADCA).
How often should the air ducts be cleaned?
According to NADCA, air ducts should be cleaned as often as three to five years. This is because most people spend most of their time indoors. Additionally, a study by the American College of Allergists reveals that half of the ailments are caused or aggravated by impure and inadequate indoor air circulation. On the other hand, American Lung Association indicates that air pollution contributes to lung diseases, which is a major leading cause of death in the US. Furthermore, the US Environmental Protection Agency indicates that poor indoor air quality is among major environmental risks to public health.
Benefits Of Cleaning The Air Ducts
Cleaner living environment – Dirty air ducts can cause dust to distribute throughout the living space. However, a thoroughly cleaned air duct helps to maintain hygiene and reduces the amount of interior cleaning and dusting.
Reduced allergens and irritants – Apart from dust, dirty air ducts can contain harmful contaminants like bacteria, pollen etc. These contaminants can be very sensitive to people who suffer from allergies and other respiratory conditions. Frequent air duct cleaning eliminates contaminants promoting a healthier living environment
Improves air supply and efficiency – Dirty air ducts restrict the efficient flow of air through the HVAC system. Conversely, a cleaner duct promotes quality air flow.
Use these tips and many more offered here on our site. We offer heating and air conditioning repair in the San Jose area. If you are having problems with your air conditioner system, be sure to call us today 408-295-2182