There are many ways to tell if your San Jose AC unit needs to be repaired before summer. You want to make sure that you check it out before the temperature starts to heat up too much so that you are prepared. A well-maintained unit will help keep your home at its optimal temperature when you need it to.
Look Out for Warning Signs Such As:
. Strange noises coming from your AC unit
. Warm air coming from your AC unit
. Just a small amount of air coming through your vents
AC Issues
It is important to listen to your AC unit if you notice that there are weird noises coming from it. Listen for grinding or screeching noises, and get help if you hear anything out of the ordinary. Banging noises can also be extremely troublesome. It could be a sign that your unit has a broken or loose part in it. A compressor problem could also be to blame. A buzzing noise could also mean that you need immediate assistance from a professional company. You could be dealing with a dirty condenser coil, loose parts, problems with your fan motor, a refrigerant leak, or many other issues. A professional can help you determine why your unit is making noise and help you fix it so that you can stay cool all summer long.
If you notice that your home is not getting enough cool air, you may be dealing with an evaporator that needs to be cleaned. You could also be dealing with a dirty filter. You will want to have this looked at so that your unit will work right when you require it too.
If you notice that there is not a lot of cool air coming through your vents, you may be dealing with frozen evaporator coils. You could also be having trouble with your blower or air duct problems. Contact a professional to find out exactly what is going on with your unit.
If you are ready to get started on your AC repair, we can help. Our team will make sure that you are ready for summer with an AC unit that works the way that you need it to. Give us a call today at (408) 295-2182 or fast and efficient services.