How Air Handlers Actually “Handle” Air in Your AC System

What do air handlers do for your air conditioning system? It, quite simply, handles the air. What does this entail? Most air conditioning units, especially in Silicon Valley, are “split” units. This means that they have units both outdoors and indoors. The air handler covers the indoor section of the air conditioning system which is extremely vital.

The role of the handler is to distribute the air through the entire house. The handler unit for indoor air is made of an air coil, blower and filter. The handler brings air in, flows it through the coils (to heat or cool) and then expels it back into the house with the duct system. It is the portion of the AC system that makes sure the air that gets treated flows throughout the entire home.

Air Handler Parts

  • Blower The fan blower will “blow” the rest of the cooled air back throughout the home by using the duct ventilation system.
  • Air filter This filter is placed between the fan and the intake vent to make sure that the air brought into the unit is filtered before it gets cooled.
  • Coils The coils are what truly cool the air inside the house. This occurs when the housed refrigerant within the external unit is drawn out as a high-pressure and high-temperature gas into the internal air handler. A valve then transforms this gas refrigerant into a low-pressure and low-temperature gas that’s brought to the coils. These coils then make the air cooler that’s getting passed over the coils and into the system of ducts. This “used” refrigerant is brought back outside to the external system to start the cycle once again. In the majority of homes in Silicon Valley, the coils can get hotter as well to provide the “heating” portion of a home’s HVAC system.

Would it be helpful for you to use an air handler?

When you use a split-system heat pump or air conditioner, then yes, you would want to use an air handler. The air handler will make sure the air involved in the cooling or heating process is circulating. It’s the indoor component that handles air in conjunction with the outdoor part.

The evaporator coil will bring the heat out from the building to then blow the cooled air through a set of ducts in the building that are connected with the air handler. Call O.C. McDonald’s 24-hour live operator for more information on any questions about your HVAC system and schedule your appointment today at 408-295-2182.

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