When Should You Call an AC Repair Service?

The best time to check your AC unit is before a breakdown. It is understandable that taking the time to do this might not be something you are comfortable doing. Things you can do yourself that might help save time and money later are included here. AC repair performed by a professional isn’t cheap, so do what you can to prevent a large repair bill by making sure to care for the basic things in your AC unit before calling for service.

If you find that your unit isn’t working, many symptoms can lead to a repair. Some symptoms result from not cleaning your filter, or by allowing vegetation to grow over and around your outside AC unit. Cleaning your filter and clearing the area around the AC unit is easy to do and could save you an unexpected repair bill.

Common Reasons AC Units Require Repair

Let’s inspect common reasons to call for AC repair service:

  • Perhaps the most obvious problem you’ll notice is your AC unit has ice built up around the copper lines. This is typical of a unit with poor air flow among other issues.
  • Inside the home, if you notice the air flowing from the ducts isn’t as cold as it once was, your AC might be low on Freon due to a leak. There are more reasons for a no-cool issue and means you must call for service.
  • Your AC unit cycles on and off as part of its normal operation. If it cycles frequently, look outside at the unit. Something there might show the problem.
  • In the event your unit stops running for no clear reason, check the breaker at your breaker box inside your house or at the unit to see if it’s tripped. When breakers get old, they sometimes trip for no reason. Reset the breaker regardless if it looks tripped or not. Confirm the breaker is at its full-on position (not half way). Check the unit to see if it runs now.
  • The air from your AC unit shouldn’t smell or give off a foul odor. If it does, please turn the unit off at the breaker and make that call for service. The problem might be in your duct work, or something inside the unit itself.

If you find that you need to call us, we’re here to help! Our number is: 408-295-2182

Keep in mind that other issues could cause the AC unit to either not cool or stop running. Use the tips provided here to help determine whether it’s time to call for service or to clean the filter or the vegetation around the unit outside. As a final tip, verify that your thermostat isn’t the cause of a failed system.

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